Blog - Word of Life - Bermuda

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He's Got the Whole World in His Hands

He's Got the Whole World in His Hands
Ephesians 3:8-13 God is in control. He is not only in control of you but every believer, unbeliever, every angel and demon, things seen and unseen, God has it all in his hands. The children's Sunday school song He's Got the Whole in His Hands is very true. There is nothing that escapes God. Stop and think about it. If God is who He says He is, then...
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1902 Hits

Do You Have This Hope?

Do You Have This Hope?
Ephesians 3:1-7 Paul talks about the idea of being stewards of God's grace or being made a minister according to the gift of God's grace because of the gospel. In context with everything that Paul has been talking about so far, I am starting to understand that God desires to bring every nation together in unity in order to build His church. He desi...
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1442 Hits

Good Good Father

Good Good Father
​Ephesians 2:19-22 After reading today's passage my mind spoke one word, unity. Unity not in the sense of we are equal or one love as Bob Marley would sing, but one nation. Israel was God's chosen nation, but they rejected Jesus as their Savior, the promised one, and thus suffered the consequences. In this short passage, we see the unity of believe...
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1519 Hits

Putting the Pieces Together

Putting the Pieces Together
Ephesians 2:14-18 In verses 14-18 Paul compares the Jews with the Gentiles. Both of these nations are completely different. Paul describes these two groups as alienated, complete strangers. Not only were they strangers to one another, but they were strangers to gospel. But Christ! Both the Jews and the Gentiles were brought near to God through the ...
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1412 Hits

God's Grace

God's Grace
Ephesians 2:8-13 I love how much this passage talks about the grace of God. Yesterday, Paul focused on who we were before Christ entered our lives. We were dead in our trespasses, following the course of the world and did everything to gratify fleshly desires. We were roaming in darkness; lost, confused and restless. No matter how hard we tried, we...
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1600 Hits

Bountiful Blessings

Bountiful Blessings
Ephesians 1:1-6 This passage talks a great deal about God's will for our lives. I think it's crazy that before the foundation of the earth, God already had me in mind. God's plan in my life, is to make me holy and blameless so that in the end I may be able to bring glory and honor to Him. God's great love for us, shows that He predestined us (picke...
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1266 Hits

God is JUST!

God is JUST!
E​xodus 11:1-10 [Short on time? Jump to the summary section] In rejecting God's word, Pharaoh caused all the firstborns in the land to die and therefore brought profound sorrow to himself and to his people. Two questions must be addressed at this point: (1) Why did God slay only the firstborn? (2) Was He just (right) in doing so when Pharaoh was th...
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1335 Hits


Exodus 4:18-31 To better understand verses 24 to 25, I've pulled an excerpt from biblical scholar and writer Warren Wiersbe, which states, "Moses had neglected to circumcise his second son, Eliezer, and God struck Moses down with an illness that could have taken his life. We get the impression that when Moses had circumcised Gershom, his firstborn,...
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1350 Hits

I Am Who I Am!

I Am Who I Am!
Exodus 3:13-22 OBSERVATION : 'I will send you to Pharaoh and bring the children of Israel out of Egypt', but Moses HEARD and asked; 'Who am I that I should bring the people out of Egypt?' "God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM." And he said, "Say this to the people of Israel: 'I AM has sent me to you.'" (v.14) The name God gave Moses and the Israelites...
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1510 Hits

The God of Miracles

The God of Miracles
Exodus 1:1-14 Israel quickly becomes an incredibly strong nation after the death of Joseph. At this time, Israel was multiplying, however, a new Pharaoh rose to power in Egypt. As a result of this, he made sure that the Israelites would suffer, for as long as possible. He had slave masters over them, and forced them to work hard labor and treated t...
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1436 Hits

God's Power on Display

God's Power on Display
Psalm 114:1-8 ESV This is a short psalm remembering the salvation of the nation of Israel. The Lord led Israel out of Egypt under Moses with a powerful display of His might; The Red Sea dried up and later the Jordan River dried up to enter the Promised Land. When God moves for His people the earth trembles and rocks give water when needed. Applicat...
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1562 Hits

Ruled by The Word

John 12:44-50 ESV "I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness." (John 12:46) Jesus came to save the lost and to heal the blind. As a child, your mom might have told you that your actions have consequences. She may have also reminded you not to act foolishly or even quoted James 4:17, "so...
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1500 Hits

Believe in The Light!

John 12:27-43 English Standard Version (ESV) What is the writer saying ? As I read this passage I realized that Jesus makes so many powerful and important statements in His exchanges with the crowd. "Walk in the light while you have the light...believe in the light, so you may be sons of light." There are two responses: Believing God's truth opens ...
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1552 Hits