Blog - Word of Life - Bermuda

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Victory in Jesus

Victory in Jesus
2 Timothy 2:8-14 Paul pens this passage in prison proclaiming the power of the gospel presented through a power-filled soldier. Paul uses his military history and current interaction with the guards around him to write of the characteristics of a good soldier of Jesus Christ. This idea starts in verse 3 where Paul explains the hardships of a soldie...
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2278 Hits

Ride in Faith

Ride in Faith
2 Kings 13:14-21 In this passage, we read about King Joash. He was a king who did what was evil in the sight of the Lord. However, he did have a lot of respect for Elisha. This is the first crucial point to make mention of. Joash failed to realize where Elisha's power came from. This sounds familiar to someone in the New Testament, J...
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2073 Hits

God is Just

God is Just
2 Kings 9:1-10, 30-37 Jehu is appointed to be the next king of Israel, and he was commanded to kill Jezebel once and  for all and leave her to be eaten up by the dogs. Initially, this might cause us to wonder why God  would allow such intense violence to occur. Perhaps, this might lead us to contemplate on all the  lives that were en...
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2096 Hits

We Believe!

We Believe!
2 Kings 7:1-11 After a time of famine, the Lord finally declares through Elisha that there will be food which will be sold the next day. The passage then focuses on 4 individuals who had leprosy, who were seeking for food and shelter. It is hard to imagine how it must have felt to be suffering from an illness during a time when there was no food or...
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1979 Hits

Contentment over Covetousness

Contentment over Covetousness
2 Kings 5:17-27 Gehazi thought nothing of lying and creating a whole story of lies in the presence of God's great miracle power. He was more attracted to Naaman's riches than the power of God to heal his leprosy. "Thou shalt not covet" is the last of the Ten Commandments (Ex. 20:17), but when you break this one commandment, you tempt yourself to br...
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1971 Hits

I Am New

I Am New
2 Kings 5:1-16 "I know that there is no God in all the earth but in Israel;" this bold statement displays Naaman was searching for truth and had come to the conclusion that all the gods of his country were false customs and myths. He had also considered the gods of other countries and concluded them fables and cultural lies. Life Application: It is...
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2848 Hits

Miraculous Meals

Miraculous Meals
2 Kings 4:38-44 In today's passage, there were two accounts of where God used food to show His sovereignty and provision for the life of Elisha and the other prophets. In the first account, God shows His power by turning what seemed to be a life threating feast to a miraculous meal, but the miracles didn't stop there. The second account involv...
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1942 Hits

Your Love Never Fails

Your Love Never Fails
Romans 8:26-39 Most of us live with pessimism and a self-defeating perspective that we perceive as 'real', but it actually robs us of living in the love and favor of God as He intended. Our calling, justification, and glorification is a DONE DEAL, a sure thing from God's perspective. Yet we doubt, worry, and become discouraged as if God's love...
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1943 Hits

Hope in the Holy Spirit

Hope in the Holy Spirit
​ ​ Romans 8:1-11 Yesterday, Paul shared his frustrations with living in the flesh (sinful nature). In this passage, he says that even when he feels incapable of doing what is right, he does not lose hope because there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ. This is because, those who are in Christ have received the Holy Spirit, who is the ...
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2047 Hits

Faith Found in the Father

Faith Found in the Father
Romans 4:13-25 In these 12 verses, Paul explains the promise God made to Abraham which was not dependent on what Abraham had done or had not done but on the grace of God. God chose Abraham to be the 'father of the nations' because God chose him. The Abrahamic covenant is solely dependent on God's decision to put everything together. Abraham's respo...
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1894 Hits

Trust and Obey

Trust and Obey
Exodus 12:25-36   After waiting for several years in slavery, the Lord softened pharaoh's heart and let the Israelites go. At first, it is easy to try to wonder why God took so long, but now I realized that He was testing their faithfulness. They were consistent in doing what God commanded them to do. As they obeyed, they experienced God's pro...
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1997 Hits

What Are You Fishing For?

What Are You Fishing For?
John 21:1-14 In this passage, we see that all the disciples pretty much went back to their 'everyday lives' as they go back to fishing. On this day, the disciples were struggling to catch anything, in fact, they caught nothing. I could imagine how discouraged and frustrated they must've been, however, Jesus appeared to the disciples knowing ex...
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1969 Hits


  John 18:1-14 All of a sudden it seemed, Jesus' words (about abiding in The Father and doing His will) are interrupted by Judas and the arresting soldiers. But these are not two different worlds. This was Jesus' plan all along, the disciples just didn't see it coming. That's why Jesus said, "...shall I not drink the cup The Father has given m...
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2132 Hits

The Holy Spirit's Help

The Holy Spirit's Help
  John 17:14-26 Our lives are supposed to be different once the Holy Spirit comes to live in us. Our life is a testimony to the world that Jesus is alive and His Spirit is doing exactly what He said, proving that The Father, The Son & The Spirit are One and living in all true believers. The Holy Spirit helps us to understand the Bible...
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1995 Hits

We Believe

We Believe
John 17:1-13 Believing the good news of God's love, closeness, and His reality in our lives is the truth that Jesus lived every day. The disciples were learning to believe this as are we. To realize that God is glorified by what He is doing through our lives is encouraging. God is seen in how we interact with others, in the things we do and say, an...
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1989 Hits

Taking God's Tools To Task

Taking God's Tools To Task
  John 16:23-33 Jesus said; "whatever you ask of the Father in my name, He will give it to you." And "I do not say to you that I will ask the Father on your behalf; for the Father, Himself loves you, because you have loved Me and have believed that I came from God." - Jesus is saying here we are to ask God the Father directly to give us all th...
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2053 Hits

Jehovah Jireh

Jehovah Jireh
John 14:15-24 As I obey and trust God's commands and promises, my life and heart become the dwelling place of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I thank you, LORD, that You are not far from helping me, You actually live right here in me. I don't have to convince You of my needs, You already know them. APPLICATION: Sometimes You tell us y...
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1998 Hits

Is Seeing Really Believing?

Is Seeing Really Believing?
John 14:7-14 Philip is one of those people who would say "seeing is believing". For Philip to truly believe that what Christ was saying is true, he would need tangible proof. For three years, the disciples had walked and talked with Jesus and witnessed Him perform several miracles. Was this not enough? Was being in the presence of Jesus and experie...
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1955 Hits

One Way

One Way
John 14:1-6 Not everybody is going to heaven, but rather only those who have trusted Jesus Christ. Acts 4:12- "And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved." Jesus does not simply teach the way or point the way to heaven; He is the way. John 14:6- "Jesus said to him, I am t...
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2240 Hits

Don't Want to Waste My Life

Don't Want to Waste My Life
​ Ephesians 6:18-24 ​ What do you live for? Schools tell us to live for the books. Life Coaches tell us to live for the future. The TV tells us to live for ourselves. Our friends tell us to live for the moment. Some Churches tell us to live right. But what does all of this mean? If you are like me, there are many times where you have contemplated t...
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2727 Hits