Blog - Word of Life - Bermuda

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God is Just

God is Just
2 Kings 9:1-10, 30-37 Jehu is appointed to be the next king of Israel, and he was commanded to kill Jezebel once and  for all and leave her to be eaten up by the dogs. Initially, this might cause us to wonder why God  would allow such intense violence to occur. Perhaps, this might lead us to contemplate on all the  lives that were en...
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2096 Hits

Hope in the Holy Spirit

Hope in the Holy Spirit
​ ​ Romans 8:1-11 Yesterday, Paul shared his frustrations with living in the flesh (sinful nature). In this passage, he says that even when he feels incapable of doing what is right, he does not lose hope because there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ. This is because, those who are in Christ have received the Holy Spirit, who is the ...
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2047 Hits

Faith Found in the Father

Faith Found in the Father
Romans 4:13-25 In these 12 verses, Paul explains the promise God made to Abraham which was not dependent on what Abraham had done or had not done but on the grace of God. God chose Abraham to be the 'father of the nations' because God chose him. The Abrahamic covenant is solely dependent on God's decision to put everything together. Abraham's respo...
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1894 Hits

Trust and Obey

Trust and Obey
Exodus 12:25-36   After waiting for several years in slavery, the Lord softened pharaoh's heart and let the Israelites go. At first, it is easy to try to wonder why God took so long, but now I realized that He was testing their faithfulness. They were consistent in doing what God commanded them to do. As they obeyed, they experienced God's pro...
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1997 Hits